What’s the Best Temperature for Painting Outside?

Jan 03, 2024

Are you considering an exterior painting project for your home in Waukesha, WI? Maybe you’re dreaming of a new look for the holidays or prepping to sell in the spring. The reality is you have to consider Wisconsin’s tricky weather this time of year. Before you pick up a paintbrush or call a house painting service, learn the ideal temperature for painting outside.

When is it Too Chilly for Paint to Stick?

Daytime temperatures should stay above 50 degrees while applying house paint. Then, the overnight low should remain above 40 degrees to allow the paint to dry properly. If you ignore these guidelines, your paint may not bind properly, leaving you with a cracked and peeling paint job.

Here’s what else you need to know about painting in less-than-ideal weather:

  • Paint products matter: Some hardy paints can be applied even when it’s a brisk 35 degrees outside. Check the label to see what the manufacturer recommends.
  • Surface temperature: Remember, the shady side of your house is cooler than the sunny side. If you ignore this while on the cusp of acceptable temperatures, your house paint might end up looking uneven.
  • Rain: Don’t paint while it’s raining or shortly after a storm, no matter how much it actually rained. If it starts raining in the middle of your project, stop immediately and cover fresh paint with a tarp or plastic sheet. Once the storm blows over, check for water spots or streaks. Let the surface dry completely before making touch-ups.
  • Relative humidity: You want the humidity to stay between 40% and 70% throughout the house painting project. Too much moisture in the air causes bubbling and may produce spots known as surfactant leaching.

Indoor Painting Isn’t Immune to the Cold

Cold outside temperatures can affect indoor painting, too. The culprit is condensation. You may not see water vapour collecting on the walls, but it’s there. Fortunately, you can still get the job done if your home has proper insulation and ventilation, even if it’s snowing outside. Hire a qualified paint professional to evaluate the conditions in your house before attempting a cold-weather interior painting project.

Trust Two-Day Painting for a Job Well Done in Cold Weather

If you’re looking to paint your house in Southeast Wisconsin during the colder months, you want a team that knows their stuff. That’s where Two Day Painting comes in. We deliver exceptional customer service, outstanding project management, and open communication. Thanks to our high-quality products and trained staff, we know how to paint in colder weather—and when to recommend waiting for a warmer day.

So, don’t let the cold get you down. For expert house painting services in Waukesha and Southeast Wisconsin, call us today at 262-312-2182 or fill out our online contact form to request a free estimate.

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