How to Pick Exterior Paint Colors

May 17, 2024

Choosing the right exterior paint color for your home is about making a good first impression. But with a rainbow of colors to choose from, this task can feel more overwhelming than picking an outfit for a first date. Take on this colorful adventure with confidence by following these tips.

  • Consider your home’s architectural style: Certain paint colors work better with specific architecture. For example, a Victorian beauty might flaunt bold, vibrant hues, while a modern minimalist abode looks sleek in neutral tones. This is why your home’s style is your first clue when choosing a color palette.
  • Harmonize with the landscape: Look around your property—the colors of your flowers, trees, and wood deck influence what hues will look best on your home. Aim for a palette that complements these elements so your house harmonizes with its surroundings.
  • Assess your home’s materials: You plan to paint the wood, stucco, or vinyl siding, but take the color of unpainted surfaces—such as bricks, stonework, and roof shingles—into account. You want a paint color that complements these materials, not makes them look out of place.
  • Pay attention to architectural elements: Consider the unique features of your home, including doors, windows, and decorative trim. Choose colors that accentuate these features to turn them into stars of the show.
  • Play with lighting: What looks good in the store might not look the same at home. After all, the same color can look drastically different under the midday sun versus the evening’s twilight glow. Paint squares of color on different sides of your house so you can see how they look in different lighting.
  • Set the right mood: Your house color sets a certain tone, so choose wisely! Want a cheerful, welcoming vibe? Lean into warm yellows or soft blues. Prefer something more dramatic and sophisticated? Darker hues might be your preference.
  • Find inspiration: You can get ideas from all around you—in nature, throughout your neighborhood, or even at your favorite coffee shop. Watch for color combinations that speak to you, and snap a photo you can reference from the paint aisle.
  • When in doubt, consult the pros: Still feeling overwhelmed? Professional painters have a keen eye for what works and what doesn’t. They can offer advice tailored to your home’s unique character and style.

With these tips, you’re ready to finalize your paint colors. But who will you choose to paint your home? Two Day Painting would be honored to take on the task. We offer complimentary color consultations when choosing us to paint your home. Our professional team brings a whole palette of expertise and top-notch customer service to every job. We pride ourselves on our excellent project management, open communication, and quick turnaround times. Plus, our A+ BBB rating and status as Southeastern Wisconsin’s Top Choice Painting Company speak volumes about our commitment to excellence. Call us at 262-312-2182 or fill out our online contact form for a free estimate on house painting services in Waukesha and the surrounding area.

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